Does Cannabis Use Negatively Impact Oral Health?


Recreational cannabis (marijuana) consumption has been legal in Washington State since 2012. With the increase in cannabis use since it’s legalization, we are better able to see the effects it has on oral health. As health professionals, we understand the benefits cannabis use can have to treat a variety of ailments, but we also have … Read more

When do I need dental x-rays?

Dental care in Port Angeles

Annual x-ray imaging (radiographs) can be a polarizing topic in the dental office, as a patient or guardian of a patient it can be hard to determine the necessity. The answer in some cases may be, no you don’t need radiographs each year, maybe you need them every 18-24 months. There are multiple factors that … Read more

Autoimmune Series: The Oral Health Impact of Sjogren’s Syndrome

Sjogren’s Syndrome

Sjogren’s Syndrome is an autoimmune disorder that causes your immune system to attack glands that produce tears and saliva. This affects your body’s ability to produce moisture. This of course makes the most common symptoms of this disorder, dry mouth and dry eyes.  The issue for oral health occurs when the saliva glands are affected and … Read more

Whitening Your Teeth

Teeth Whitening - Before and after Teeth Whitening

With summer almost here, many people start thinking about whitening their teeth. Although there are certain considerations to be made, almost anyone can whiten their teeth. This month we’ll discuss the safety of tooth whitening as well as the options we provide to patients. The discoloration of teeth over time can result from exposure to … Read more

New Year Resolutions to Improve Your Oral Health

This is my year for making my health a priority. 2016

It’s that time again! The day where we get to pull out a new calendar has come. It becomes a clear time to evaluate where we are at from last year and where we would like to be by the next. A pretty common goal is that of our physical wellbeing. These typically include, exercising … Read more

Is Dry Mouth Normal?

Hispanic Man Sitting At Dining Room Table Looking At His Prescription Medications

Dry mouth (xerostomia) might seem like an annoying thing that happens at night from time to time. But if it occurs regularly, it needs to be treated. Left untreated, it can affect a variety of things, including eating, speaking, and your general oral health. If you do suffer from dry mouth, you are certainly not … Read more

The Oral Effects of Vaping

Fun in the school parking

In the last few years “Vaping” or “E-Cigarettes” have become very popular. 6 million people in the U.S. have tried or used e-cigarettes. Some people vape to quit or decrease smoking or to prevent relapse, there has been a rise in the use of these devices among teenagers and college-aged adults. They are more popular … Read more

Children’s Dental Health Month Early Childhood Caries

Work of pediatric dentist

In recognition of Children’s Dental Health month, we’ve chosen to highlight the effects of Early Childhood Caries (ECC) or baby bottle decay. ECC is an infectious disease that can affect any child and can begin as early as the eruption of your child’s first tooth (around 6 months old). The disease process begins with bacteria. … Read more