New Year Resolutions to Improve Your Oral Health

It’s that time again! The day where we get to pull out a new calendar has come. It becomes a clear time to evaluate where we are at from last year and where we would like to be by the next. A pretty common goal is that of our physical wellbeing.

This is my year for making my health a priority. 2016 - - Laurel Dental Clinic - Dentist Near Me - Port Angeles Dentist

These typically include, exercising more, losing weight, healthy eating habits and taking a more active approach to health. It’s quite inspiring that so many people have health at the top of their mind, but statistics tell us less than 10% of New Year Resolutions are ever met.

We’re sharing some tips below to help you improve your overall health and subsequently your oral health with goals you can manage and reach.

How We Should Create New Habits

1. Identify your goal. This will help you decide on the specific actions that move you in the right direction. Start with small actions

2. Create environmental triggers. Connect the actions of your habits to activities you already do regularly.

3. Use small, regular, related rewards.

Healthy Ideas for Snacking on the Go:

• Nuts
• Cheese
• Low sugar protein or snack bars
• Vegetables: (Carrots, Celery etc)
• Apples
• Plain Yogurt
• Hummus

Plenty Of Water

It’s also important to be sure you’re drinking plenty of water and if you can’t brush on the go, a little swish with water is always helpful! Try getting yourself a new water bottle and to always have it handy. Set a goal for how many times you want to finish that water bottle throughout the day.

We Have To Talk About Flossing

Seeing as we are a dental office, we have to talk about flossing. Only 4 of 10 Americans floss daily, and 20% never floss! Flossing is a quick and simple addition to any routine. A good flossing routine only takes 2-3 minutes per night and can have a tremendous impact on oral and overall health.

Periodontal disease is a very preventable disease, with good homecare and regular dental visits, but you can’t expect to improve your oral health without changing your habits. There are alternatives to floss that are also useful, we recommend discussing which option is best for you with your hygienist. Put your floss right next to your toothbrush, this can be a trigger to at least floss every time you brush!

We Have To Talk About Flossing

You will see the rewards of adopting these small new habits! It just takes a little change to drastically improve your oral health! Oral health improvement means less costly dental maintenance, better smelling breath, and esthetic results as well.

Treat yourself to some whitening products once your maintaining a clean healthy mouth! Don’t forget, we offer free whitening for our patients here at Laurel Dental!

Be Healthier

So this year instead of having a grand goal to “Be Healthier” take a look at the actual habits you can add, quit or modify to increase your chance of success.

These may include the small topics we covered but may also include, quitting tobacco use, limiting added sugar or any other host of small changes. We are here to help you on a journey to a healthier you!  Wishing you all a happy and healthy new year!




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At Laurel Dental Clinic, we guide you through your dental journey. From the moment you step through the door, you’ll feel the care of our team and the difference of a friendly office environment